понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I just found out David is still in custody. WTF Why dont they let him go already he didnt do a fucking thing. That is OC for you. A hell hole that sucks peoples lives from them. He was enrolled in his class and the school should of faxed the court proof of that. Now they are holding him thinking he didnt do what he was supposed to. Its bullshit

I just looked up his name and it says he has to be there another fucking week. That is not right. Why another week? I think WE NEED TO MOVE OUT OF HERE ASAP

If anyone reads this wish him well or say a tiny prayer for his quick release...thank you.

On a much less important subject: today i went to work. I rode my bike to the bus stop. But noooooooooooooooooooo some fuckers hogged up all the bike racks on the front of the bus so i had to wait another 20min. Anyway the next bus had room and i went to work. Work was quiet i got stuff done. But one part is now delayed and they got mad and bitchy. Hey it wasnt my fucking fault i did that a week ago but someone delayed it and didnt release my order I left work at 430 to catch an early bus plus i worried there wouldnt be any bike racks on the bus. But there was so i came home, peeapos;d and then left right away to ride to my dui class. I got there early, they gave me a copy of proof i go to my classes so i can show dmv and get a restricted license. Class was boring and the video sucked. I rode home, it seems colder i hope i get my license soon i dont want to get sick from being in the cold.

I miss David now. I wish he was here :(
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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After many days of angrily ordering my men around to vent my frustrations, I finally have things in an order that I can feel comfortable with, though Iapos;m sure I am the only one who /is/ comfortable now. My plans are set in a proper motion again and people are all where they need to be. How all of that came to be should be of no concern to anyone, what is important is that I have come full circle from my previous dilemma and am back at the path I had been on until realizing the truth behind the Atlantiansapos; newest plot.

Beyond the initial rage that came over me at discovering Teylaapos;s work with the one they call "Todd", I have found a certain surreal peace, though the bitterness I feel over this most recent betrayal continues to boil inside of me.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


�Clemson game tomorrow, Iapos;m feeling really confident about it. I�actually feel like we might blow them out. Right now Iapos;m hungry and weapos;re not making any steps towards dinner.�I�kind of wanted wings but Amanda doesnapos;t want to go get take out. I definitely donapos;t want to go out and eat. Iapos;ll probably end up eating bagel bites.

The Ring is on. Strange ass movie. I�rented a bullshit movie called Buried Alive earlier. Fucking terrible.�

I thought I had more to talk about Still kicking ass at work. Havenapos;t been reading as many comics. Still need to go get this weekapos;s books.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Nelly Furtado is a Maneater no more.

The BC-born singer will reveal in an interview with ET Canada tonight that she married sound engineer Demacio "Demo" Castellon over the summer.

The pair tied the knot on July 19th, having met back in apos;06 when he worked on her Loose album.

If you want to see even more of Nelly, check out the new Mark Wahlberg flick Max Payne, opening today Parts of that movie were actually filmed just a stoneapos;s throw away from where Iapos;m sitting right now in Hamilton

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Iapos;ve been down and out with a cold for the past week. Sore throat, headache, just fucking bone-weary all the time -- its been a struggle to stay awake at work, and no matter how early I go to bed, its even worse to get out of bed in the morning.

The past two days, the Boo has had to come get me up, or at least check on me to make sure Iapos;m awake. This morning, she came up and said, apos;Iapos;m dressed, I ate breakfast and brushed me teeth, and all I need to do is put on socks and sneakersapos;. Her hair was even pulled back in a neat poneytail.

Iapos;d like to say this is somehow unusual, but its not. She really is a remarkably responsible child. Her chores are almost all am chores -- she needs to let the dogs out, feed them, and feed and water the cats every morning. And sheapos;s almost perfect about it -- the cats sometimes get neglected, because they all live in the basement, and I think get short shrifted if sheapos;s short on time. But sheapos;s just so damn good it totally shocks me, almost always. And I make sure to tell her thatapos;s sheapos;s a good kid and that weapos;re really impressed with her behavoir, because I think its important to acknowledge it. (Sheapos;s hella lot better than I was at her age, Iapos;m pretty sure. Also, thatapos;s what my mother tells me.)

Iapos;m just so damn proud.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Sheapos;s a masseuse, and sheapos;s clueless. I donapos;t know how to fix it at this point, either. When we discussed what she wanted, she had 3 million directions she was interested in, and she brought artwork someone else had created, a very large, intricate drawing ...she thought maybe it could be her logo. I said, "at 1" it would be very hard to read"
then, i showed her some other massage logos, to get an idea of her tastes. One of them she said, "oh, well letapos;s use that one" I said, "This is someone elseapos;s logo. I can create something similar, but I canapos;t just use theirs." She really didnapos;t understand the concept at all. Why would she pay me $500 to just take someone elseapos;s logo?
Anyway, I sent her about 6 different designs on monday, and today she asks me if I can send them smaller, so she can print them out paste them on to a business card, so she can make copies at Kinkos. Mind you, these were low-res sketches of ideas I sent her. And I was very clear that they were to review and work on some more after her feedback. Part of me just wants to cry. After talking with her for HOURS, Iapos;m becoming more aware than ever that itapos;s going to be near impossible to explain to her that cutting out whatever I email her, and pasting that onto a card is not only going to look crappy, but itapos;s not legal. But yeah, the looking crappy part she doesnapos;t get. She keeps saying that she wants to have a professional look, but she thinks she can make photocopies of stuff that sheapos;s cut pasted like a 3rd grader.
Ugh. I wrote back telling her that Iapos;d be happy to make a business card mock-up of her favorite logo (or maybe 2) so that she can see what it would look like on a card. I would also be happy to design business cards for her, so she doesnapos;t need to cut paste photocopied images. I also told her that the images Iapos;ve sent her are low res, and will continue to be so until I am paid. But that wonapos;t stop her from using them, I fear. But how will I ever know? This is going to be a bummer, I can tell.

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I canapos;t wait until this election is over. I think it has brought out the worst in some Americans. I just donapos;t understand the hatred that some extreme conservatives have towards Obama (and I mean extreme...I donapos;t want to imply that all conservatives feel this way or act in this manner). At McCain/Palin rallies there have been racist remarks yelled out as well as accusations of Obama being a "terrorist". I am so tired of people commenting on Obamaapos;s middle name as if that "means something". Apparently McCain has made some comments to the crowds saying Obama was a good guy, but Palin has remained silent. Perhaps she shares the same views as "Joe Six-pack".

Last night McCain made a comment that a womanapos;s life should not be considered in deciding whether or not to have an abortion. What a man.
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